The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities commissioned the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) to conduct an assessment of NJ’s biomass and the potential for bioenergy* production. As a result, Assessment of Biomass Energy Potential in New Jersey (PDF) was published. The Rutgers EcoComplex updated the report to reflect the ongoing changes in the biomass feedstock supply as well as the technologies used to produce bioenergy.
In this report you will find:
The Bioenergy Calculator (1MB Excel File), an interactive biomass resource database, was updated with more current biomass and conversion technology information that estimates potential biopower and biofuel generation from current and projected biomass feedstocks in New Jersey, through 2025.
The purpose of this report is to create a strong foundation of information for developing a bio-based renewable energy industry in the state. Recommended next steps include the establishment of an effective institutional, regulatory and feedstock supply infrastructure, as well as comprehensive strategic and tactical industry development plans.
*Bioenergy is a broad definition for biologically-derived renewable materials that can be used to produce heat, electric power, transportation fuels and bio-based intermediaries, products and chemicals.
Serpil Guran, Ph.D., Director Rutgers EcoComplex - Clean Energy Innovation Center 1200 Florence-Columbus Rd. Bordentown, NJ 08505-4200 Phone: 609-360-0106 Fax: 609-499-3647 Email: